Vastu for Industry
After analyzing the industry specific features we can judge the effeciency of the industry and evaluate it. Such an industrial building would have been built at the correct, auspicious time.

Vastu for Hospitals
Vastu for Hospitals & Clinics You must construct the main entrance in higher altitude and Northeast direction for better results. You Should construct the rooms of Dean of the Hospital, Chief Doctors and other administrators in Southeast …

Vastu for Banks
Vastu for Bank Buildings The following are the Vastu guidelines for bank buildings The accounts department should be constructed in North and administrative department in the East are preferred here. The placement of the safety locker …

Vastu for Hotels
Vastu for Hotels & Restaurant Building The building layout should be a square or rectangular dimension. Hotel main entrance positioned in upper side. You should construct the kitchen in Agni or Vayu corner and especially the kitchen …

Vastu for Office
Before Constructing an Office Building A bird does not build its nest in all trees. It chooses the tree to nest after careful consideration. But human beings, without giving much thought about the suitability of the place, try and build homes …

Vastu for Factory
Ancillary / Auxiliary factory Buildings: Ancillary / Auxiliary factory Buildings can be built in the empty space available at either “South” or “West” side of the industrial plot. But it should be ensured that the walls of the Ancillary …